What You Can Expect

If you open an account under our management, your investment will have the provisions of:


  • Complete Protection From Market Loss
  • Interest that is based on the upside growth of the market, but without the risk associated with market declines(Is this possible? Link to 100% protection. Is this truly an option?)
  • The way your account earns interest is straightforward. When the market is up, you make an interest. The absolute worst-case scenario is 0% interest when the market is down.
  • You are guaranteed to keep what you have even during a stock market crash
  • Average annual returns are between 4.00%-6.00% every 12 months


  We are realistic when it comes to our expectations of your money. Here is the beautiful part, your floor is 0%. Every year that you earn positive interest, those interest credits are locked in and added to your account. The new account value is your new floor. Each year you lock in your interest. The only way your account will ever drop in value is when you pull money out or an annual fee deduction(Are you not a fan of fee? All of our accounts offer either a free option or a no-fee option you decide). Our goal for our clients each year is to earn at least a minimum of 2.50%. This will allow us to keep up with the cost of inflation consistently. What are the average annual returns of our program? The interest that is usually earned falls between 4.00%-6.00% each year, depending on your account.

  Each account has it’s pros and cons, and we will discuss each of these with you. There have been some years, I.E., 2001, and 2008 where our accounts returned a 0% return, but this was happening while other people exposed to the market were losing 40%-50% of their account's value. During a good year, you will have the ability to earn over 10% of interest. Many of our clients have achieved this in multiple years. In fact, from March 2021- to July 2021, we completed our highest annual interest rates. Here are some examples of what just a few of our clients earned during that period (these were the annual interest rates that were earned and locked into their investment): 14.16%, 17.45%, 18.24%, and the highest annual return that we've had in our 14 years of management, 22.31%! That's correct. One client earned 22.31% of interest in one of their accounts. Where else do you have that earning ability in addition to having 100% protection from loss? Would you like more information on these particular programs?  Please visit the our page balance in your investment section and fill out an online request!


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